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Create epics and associated issues

Create a template for an epic

Step 1: Prepare to create a Jira issue with the issue type epic

Follow Create a Jira issues with the Page Tree Creator

Either select the issue type epic, when creating the issue or make it fixed.

The issue type id of epic can be found via the following REST API:


      "id":"10000",         <--------- THIS IS THE ID OF THE ISSUE TYPE EPIC
      "description":"Created by Jira Software - do not edit or delete. Issue type for a big user story that needs to be broken down.",
Enter Issuetype ID | Image

Step 2: Add a PTC Default Value macro to save the epic issue key

Follow Use newly created Issue Number and Combine with PTC Default Value macro

Define a Placeholder in the Default Value macro to be used for assigning issues to the epic.

Define placeholder for assigning issue to epic | Image

Create a template to assign an issue to an epic

Follow Create a Jira issues with the Page Tree Creator

Add an additional field for the epic link with the value being the placeholder from the default value macro.

The field id of epic can be found via the following REST API:


    "id": "customfield_10002", <--------- THIS IS THE FIELD ID OF EPIC LINK
    "name": "Epic Link",
    "custom": true,
    "orderable": true,
    "navigable": true,
    "searchable": true,
    "clauseNames": [
      "Epic Link"
    "schema": {
      "type": "any",
      "custom": "com.pyxis.greenhopper.jira:gh-epic-link",
      "customId": 10002
Add additional field for epic link | Image

Instantiate your pages

Step 1: Instantiate your template to create the epic

The macro body of the Default value macro will be filled out with the corresponding epic issue key.

Step 2: Instantiate your template to create an issue being assigned to the epic

Copy the second template as a descendant to the new epic page.

The epic link will be set with the epic issue key.

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