Release Notes
Because we can’t control the plugin versions in cloud, we reference the date when releases were made.
28.11.2024 - Maintenance Release
Updated design of static dropdowns views
Update all API v1 calls to v2 (deprecated calls will be removed on December 2nd)
10.10.2024 - Improvements Release
Updated HTTP protocol from HTTP/1.1 to HTTP/2 for improved performance
16.09.2024 - Bugfix Release
Fixed Bugs
When loading a page, some macros will only display a white box at random
06.09.2024 - Improvements and Bugfix Release
New design of EDM macros
New design of EDM macro editor
Fixed Bugs
Fixed issue where EDM macros inside tables were not correctly sized inside the cell and going over other cells and text
Fixed issue where Space sets were not available on newly created pages
Fixed issue when inserting EDM macros into the old editor over the plus icon. Which causes that it will always insert two macros.
08.07.2024 - Improvements and Bugfix Release
Migration supports new colors from the Server/DC colorpicker
Fixed unlimited width in Predefined and Not Predefined macros when multiselect
Fixed Bugs
Border of status options when subtle not showing correct
Macro not aligning with text and other macros
Fixed issue where create page functionality failed on spaces with anonymous access
Fixed issue where EDM filters in Page Property Report macro didn’t worked
Fixed issue where usage of set is not automatically updated when an option was changed on a page
28.12.2023 - Feature, Improvements and Bugfix Release
Smaller Improvements
UI Improvements for Dropdowns
New Icons in macro editor to get directly to our Documentation orService Desk
Improve performance when updating/publishing page with Edit-mode macros
Fixed Bugs
Wrong option rendering in Table Filter macro
27.09.2022 - Feature, Improvements and Bugfix Release
Option Search in Status Dropdown
Search through the available status options
Smaller Improvements
Groups in the EDM Permissions are alphabetically sorted
Improved UI in the space configuration
New descriptions in the macro search
Improved macro height and width for better readability
Smaller UI improvements
Fixed Bugs
Wizard of edit-mode was too short
Last option of status set will not get deleted
When referenced locked option is on, the status macro will get a scrollbar inside the page property macro
12.06.2022 - Improvements Release
Smaller Improvements
Select up to 1000 spaces at once at the EDM Migration
Performance of space retrieval improved tenfold
15.05.2022 - Improvements and Bugfix Release
Smaller Improvements
Creating new options with the ENTER key
Automatic height when macro is too long
Fixed Bugs
Not all groups are listed in the Permission section of the EDM Configurations
Space Sets are unavailable in Space Templates
Renavigating pages does not display previous changes
28.12.2022 - Feature and Bugfix Release
Set History Feature
Can view the five most recent changes made to the set
Can restore deleted set options
Fixed Bugs
Set usage throws error when set nowhere used
Wrong documentation link in migration section
29.11.2022 - Feature and Bugfix Release
Set Usage Feature
Displays a list of all places (space and page name) where the set is used
Multiple UI Improvements
Fixed Bugs
Blank option in multiselect dropdown
EDM doesn’t work in blogposts
14.07.2022 - Feature Release
Improved Server to Cloud Migration
Added migration for page property reports with EDM filters
Set Restoration Feature
Will go over whole instance and rebuild all used EDM sets
30.06.2022 - Feature and Bugfix Release
Improved Server to Cloud Migration
Added migration for templates with EDM macros
Support german and english translations
Fixed Bugs
Can change dropdown even if user has no edit permissions for the page
Initial dropdown values aren’t recognized in page property reports
Macro migration fails if user is missing some space permissions
04.05.2022 - Feature and Bugfix Release
New Macro Parameters
Blank option
Custom multiselect separator
Content reference lock
Fixed Bugs
group permissions don’t work