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Creating and updating a machine translation

Create Translation

Using this feature can result in costs for using external machine translation services.

Pictures and attachments are currently not copied. See: Most Asked Questions

Ensure you have correctly setup your account for the translation service of your choice before proceeding. If not, see API configuration first to correctly setup Easy Translator for Confluence for use.

To create a translation open the Easy Translator for Confluence widget by clicking on Translate Page below the page title. Here click on the plus symbol to create a new translation. If this is the first translation of this page and no source language has been set previously a dialog will open up asking you to set a source language. The source language can be changed in the page configuration. After submitting you will be redirected to the Create new translation dialog.

Source language selection dialog | Image

Screenshot 2024-05-30 at 14.14.55.png

In the Create new translation dialog choose the desired language for your translation. Also select the target space and the target page. This page will be the parent page of your translation.

Create new translation dialog | Image

Screenshot 2024-05-30 at 14.15.32.png

Click Translate to start the translation process. Once the translation is finished you should be redirected to the newly created translation page.

No user has Confluence edit permissions on the translation page. To edit the translation please use the Easy Translator for Confluence Editor

Update Translation

After making changes to the source page the translations can be re-translated to stay up to date. In the global settings you can toggle the option to automatically update all translations of a page when the source page is updated.

If this option is toggled off the language icon in the source page widget will indicate that the translation is outdated.

Available retranslation indicator | Image

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To update the translation manually navigate to the translation and open the Easy Translator for Confluence widget. Under Current translation click Update outdated translation. A popup will open asking you to confirm that you want to update the translation. Click Update.

Manual retranslation button | Image

ECT marketplace documentationicons (1).png

Translation caching

Most machine translation services charge their users based on how many characters they've submitted for translation. Since pages might be re-translated very often when using Easy Translator for Confluence, these fees can quickly add up. To prevent this, Easy Translator for Confluence will submit page content to those services only once, and then store the results on your Confluence Instance. Each time a translation is updated it will match the translations stored on the instance with the paragraphs on the page and only update the ones that can not be found.

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