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Known Issues

Page title could not be copied due to unmigrated macros


Macros are updated from time to time (i.e. more parameters are added). In some edge cases, an unmigrated macro can cause this error.

For more details, please see this ticket at Atlassian JIRA: CONFCLOUD-33246: Restoring page version causes an error



To resolve this issue, please edit the page and save it (without need to make any changes to it manually). This migrates all macros to their current version. Afterwards, you should be able to use PTC again.

The macro (PTC Button) doesn't show up


There is an issue regarding the update of the macro list for your browser. Normally, the new macros should appear a few minutes after installing the app.

For more details, please see this ticket at Atlassian JIRA: CONFCLOUD-58280: Newly installed apps with dynamic macros can't be found in the list to insert into a page



You can try the following steps:

  1. Delete the cache for Confluence in your browser and refresh the page.

  2. Open Confluence in an incognito window.

Duplicate pages were returned by Confluence


There is a known issue with Confluence where certain pages that are attempted to be copied, are attempted to be copied twice. Part of the same issue is that some selected pages don’t copy at all. This usually only happens for page trees with >=27 pages in them.



A workaround has been implemented, which may cause the copied page tree’s pages to be out of their original order, but copies all pages. But the workaround is not foolproof. However, if duplicate pages are attempted to be copied even in the case of the workaround, you will be notified with an error message. We are working with Atlassian to fix the issue.

Page title conflict caused by view-restricted pages


A feature of the Page Tree Creator is to resolve page titles to a unique title within a space when posting the pages if a page title conflict would have otherwise been caused by the Copy Page Tree process. If a page in the target space has a view restriction on it and the PTC can not view the page, the PTC has no way of knowing what the title of the page is, and thus can’t resolve the titles of copied pages correctly.



If a copied page causes a page title conflict in this scenario, the way to resolve the problem is to add the Page Tree Creator as a viewer on the page. As a result, the PTC can now see the relevant pages in the target space and correctly resolve the page titles.

JavaScript errors detected

Please note, these errors can depend on your browser setup.

If this problem persists, please contact our support.