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Most Asked Questions

Data and Security Questions

What level of access does the Easy Dropdown Menu give you to data within Confluence?

The Easy Dropdown Menu uses the following scopes: READ, WRITE, ACT_AS_USER, DELETE and SPACE_ADMIN. For a more detailed description of the levels of access, you are welcome to read this page from Atlassian: Scopes for Connect apps.

What data (if any) is stored outside of the Atlassian Confluence Cloud infrastructure?

No data is stored outside of the Confluence Cloud. We use a confluence space that is private to EDM on the instance to store the data. An administrator of your instance can give himself access to this space if needed.

If all data remains in the Atlassian Confluence Cloud infrastructure, does the EDM only manipulate the look & feel of data within the Confluence page?

Yes, the Easy Dropdown Menu is only manipulating the look and feel of data within the Confluence page based on Data stored inside Confluence.

Do you have any security & compliance documentation specific to the app?

You can find our End-user license agreement here Easy Dropdown Menu - Cloud.

What's the purpose of having the Easy Dropdown Menu permissions on every space and how does it work?

In the space permissions there is the Easy Dropdown Menu like for some other apps so you are able to change the dropdowns on your pages and also be able to do the macro migration for the Easy Dropdown Menu. Without the permissions in the spaces the Easy Dropdown Menu can’t access those spaces during the macro migration and it’s also not possible to do the macro migration for that space. Also when a dropdown is on a page and you remove the permissions of the Easy Dropdown Menu you won’t be able to change the option of the dropdown.

Migration Questions

Is it possible to migrate Server Dropdowns to Confluence Cloud?

Yes, we support the Confluence Cloud Migration Assistant. See Server to Cloud Migration for more information.

Why is the Easy Dropdown Menu stuck at 0% in the CCMA?

Check in your Cloud instance if the sets from the Server/DC were migrated in the Cloud. It could be that the migration for the EDM was successful finished in the background and just the status is not updated to 100%. If the sets were migrated to the Cloud you can ignore the 0% status and the EDM is migrated. If not, please do the manual migration:

Why are the spaces partially failed?

Restricted pages where the EDM doesn’t have view/edit permissions, won’t be found by the macro migration. Please add and give the EasyDropdownMenu user the needed permission to that restricted page. Then do the macro migration for those partially failed spaces again.

If you have space templates with EDM macros convert the template to the new editor and save the page. Then do the macro migration for those partially failed spaces again.

General Questions

Why does a page that contains 100+ EDM Macros load so long?

This is due to a limitation of confluence connect addons. Each macro is an iframe and only 20 iframes are allowed to load in parallel. Here is also a link to our documentation about bad performance with a large number of EDM Macros on single pages: Known Issues.

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