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Migration Guide


  • Have the Easy Dropdown Menu installed on your Confluence Cloud instance.

  • Have the Easy Dropdown Menu version 6.5.2 or higher installed on your Confluence Server instance.

Data Migration

To migrate your configurations to your cloud instance, select the EDM in the Confluence Cloud Migration Assistant. This automatically migrates your global configurations and all space configurations from the spaces you selected. In case some configurations already exist on your cloud instance, they will be merged. The priority of which configuration is more important can be specified in the global EDM Migration section in the Data Migration tab.

Data Migration Tab | Image

Manual Migration

If something went wrong during the migration or you want to update already migrated configurations, you can also do this manually. In this case, go to the global EDM configurations on your server instance and click on the Open Export/Import Dialog button. This opens a dialog that exports the configuration from the spaces you select including global and gives you a json file to download. Afterwards you can import this file in your cloud instance via the file upload in the Data Migration tab of the Migration settings and then merge using the Merge Settings button.

Macro Migration

After the Confluence Cloud Migration Assistant is finished, the EDM macros on your migrated pages as well as the Page Property Reports with EDM filters won’t work yet, because they have a different schema on cloud. To migrate your macros, head to the Macro Migration tab in the global EDM Migration section.

Space Selection | Image

In a first step you need to select which spaces you want to migrate. To select a space check the box in front. It is also possible to check or uncheck all shown spaces at once. Furthermore, every space has a migration status which tells you if the space has already been migrated once, if something went wrong during the migration of this space, etc. You can also filter the table by migration state or search spaces by name. When all the desired spaces are selected click the Start Migration button to start migrating.

Migrating Screen | Image

When the migration is started you will automatically be redirected to the migrating screen. Here you will see the current state of the migration (what is already migrated, currently migrating or is waiting to be migrated). It isn’t necessary to keep this page open. As long as the migration is running you will automatically be redirected to that screen when opening the Macro Migration tab.

Known Issues

  • Restricted pages where the EDM doesn’t have view/edit permissions, won’t be found by the migration. Please give the EDM the needed permissions to update them as well.

  • In cloud we are only able to chain five EDM Filters with an AND in a query due to confluence cloud limitations. If you have Page Property Reports that chain more than five, you will need to adjust them (set the cloud filters) manually.

  • Also due to confluence cloud limitations, it is not possible to nest AND keywords inside an OR structure in Page Property Report Macros. These queries will be migrated to only OR chained filters. E.g. ((“Yes” AND “Maybe”), “No”) → (“Yes”, “Maybe”, “No”)

If you have some more questions or an issue with migrating the EDM, please create a ticket in our Service Desk and we will gladly assist you.

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