Release Notes
Note: If you have updated from version 7.0 to version 8.0, the page Migration to Version 8 contains a troubleshooting chapter that might be of use.
Version 8
Version 8.9.3 - Bugfix Release
Fixed Bugs
Jira issue creation failed with filled out priority field in PTC create Issue Automation macro
Redirect in edit mode didn’t work while using the page link in the wizard end screen
Version 8.9.2 - Bugfix Release
Fixed Bugs
Create Space button macro not rendering correct on Confluence versions below 8.8.0
Jira issue creation not skippable in the creation dialog
Version 8.9.1 - Compatibility, Feature and Bugfix Release
PTC is now compatible with Confluence version 8.9.4
Easy Dropdown Menu compatibility (EDM)
EDM sets can be used through the new Advanced Dropdown Placeholder Type (PTC Placeholders)
Copy EDM space sets from source space when creating or copying new spaces
Wizard improvements
Create Space and Create Page Tree Wizards will skip all empty dialogs
Placeholder Replacement screen will only show up if there are placeholders to be replaced
Page Selection screen will only show up if a tree is selected as source, not for single pages
New wizard end-screen that lets you choose whether you want to go to the created page or stay on the current page
Fixed Bugs
Template macro disappears after saving in some spaces
User placeholder type was always multiuser
Page placeholder type couldn’t be left empty
Disabling TreeCreatorPersistence plugin prevents Confluence pages from loading
Important information!
Rest API changes
labels parameter of
POST instantiations
endpoint has been changed from string to an array of stringsDeprecated Rest endpoint
GET instantiations/placeholders/{sourcePageId}
has been removed
For more information see REST API
Version 8.9.0 - Feature and Bugfix Release
Expanded Compatibility with Jira Field
Assignee and Component Field
Customfield of type Userpicker
Added French Translation
Fixed Bugs
Template Macro disappears after saving
Long space key instructions causes button to go out of view
Placeholder Order in Template Macro shows wrong placeholders
Version 8.8.3 - Bugfix Release
Fixed Bugs
Top page labels are not copied when using the Create Pages button
Template Macro can’t be opened after saving
Create Issue Automation appears in Create Dialog when it is present in parent page
Version 8.8.2 - Bugfix Release
Fixed Bugs
Top page labels are not copied when using the Create Pages button
Version 8.8.1 - Feature and Bugfix Release
Smaller Features
Copy Options for Copy Page (Attachments, labels and restrictions)
Default unchecked pages for Template Page macro
Fixed Bugs
Priority field not working anymore with PTC Create Issue Automation
PTC Button does not render on Dashboard
Curly braces break the Placeholder Macro
Version 8.8.0 - Feature Release
Page Title Prefix
Insert a page title prefix that will be inserted before each page title
Compatibility with Single Select Jira Field
Use custom single select fields in the Jira Create Issue Automation
Chosen value will be displayed on the page
Version 8.7.0 - Feature Release
REST API update
New Rest endpoint
POST instantiations/placeholderSearch/{sourcePageId}
replaces deprecatedGET instantiations/placeholders/{sourcePageId}
All query parameters are now inside the body
Old endpoint is still usable, but could throw an error if the query parameters are too long
For more information see REST API
Compatibility with Jira Cloud
PTC Create Issue Automation is now compatible with Jira Cloud
Combine PTC Create Issue Automation and Placeholder info
Add Placeholder info to Jira Fields using the PTC placeholder macro
Version 8.6.6 - Feature and Bugfix Release
Date Calculation
Use it in combination with the PTC placeholder macro
Calculate dates in the page title
Fixed Bugs
Create/copy space is not working with Confluence versions 7.x.x
Version 8.6.0 - Feature Release
Server to Cloud migration
Integration with the Confluence Cloud Migration Assistant
Migrate your configuration from server to cloud
Migrate you macros and placeholders to cloud
For a complete Migration Guide see Migration Guide
Version 8.5.0 - Feature Release
Smaller Features
Confluence Create from Template Macro supported
Checkbox in Create Space button/wizard to no copy space avatar
Broadcast PageCopyEvent (Version 8.5.1)
Version 8.4.0 - Feature Release
External Datasource (PRO)
Configure an external Datasource with a Connection String: Datasource Settings (PRO)
Bind an SQL query to a PTC Placeholder: External datasource as placeholders options (PRO)
Fill multiple Placeholders with one SQL query: Multiple replacements for a single datapicker (PRO)
Version 8.2.20 - Compatibility and Bugfix Release
Compatibility Create Issue Automation Macro and Confluence 7.17.0
Only Jira version 8.4.0 or higher is supported
When page labels contain multiple Placeholders, all Placeholders shall be replaced
Version 8.2.4 - Feature and Bugfix Release
Improvements to PTC Create Issue Automation
Link an issue and select relationship
Create subtasks
Combine Jira fields with placeholder type multi line
Improvemets to PTC Placeholders
Dropdwon placeholder are searchable for more than six options
Placeholder macro can be on any source ancestor page
Default Value for link type placeholder
Fixed Bugs
Tag Configs are not correctly migrated
Copy pages with excel macros does not work properly
Version 8.2.1 - Feature Release
PTC Create Issue Automation (PRO)
Create Jira Issues in the same step you create your pages with the Page Tree Creator
Works with the PTC Placeholder and placeholder configuration functionality
Mark it as required or not.
For more information see PTC Create Issue Automation (PRO)
Version 8.0.0 - Major Release
With this major release we merged the Page Tree Creator and Space Tree Creator into one product. The Space Tree Creator is now the Page Tree Creator and the Page Tree Creator becomes the Page Tree Creator Pro.
We also moved the template configuration completely to a Confluence macro based approach.
And last but not least, we overhauled and consolidated big parts of the architecture.
The main benefits are:
You only need one app instead of two and create pages and spaces from a single app
Consistent functionality across use cases
Simplified development, build and release management for shorter release cycles
And with a view to the future, this serves as preparation for the migration path to the cloud
Important: Such a major release requires some fundamental changes on the technical side. To prepare your Confluence instance and avoid any trouble, be sure to read and understand the Installation and Migration chapter.
For users with an active Space Tree Creator and Page Tree Creator license: You can contact us on our Service Desk or write us at Since we don’t want you to pay double, we will grant you a pro rata promotion of your Space Tree Creator subscription that you can apply to your next Page Tree Creator Pro subscription.
Major changes
Page Tree Creator is now Page Tree Creator Pro
Page Tree Creator Pro inherits all functionality of the Space Tree Creator. (see full list)
Space Tree Creator is now Page Tree Creator
The PTC inherits the functionality to copy pages
But the other features like template configuration, default value macros etc. are only available in the Pro version.
Template Configuration
Template Configuration (previously a button located in the “Page Tools” section) is now a macro called PTC Template Page Properties (PRO Feature) and PTC Template Macro, located in the page itself now.
Template Space with dedicated Category Pages and Template Pages with a limited structure
Templates/Categories are configured with an icon in the upper right corner
Template Page Configurations are configured via the ‘Template Page’-Icon in the upper right corner
Templates are configured with the PTC Template Macros
PTC Template Macros can be added to any page in any space
Categories are directly configured in the PTC Template Macro
Template Page Properties are configured with the PTC Template Page Macro (PRO Feature)