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General Settings

The general settings can be used to adjust the Page Tree Creator, and its appearance according to your desire.

Direct links

Page Tree Creator Pro:


Page Tree Creator:

General Settings | Image

Settings Options



Default Value


Placeholder Markers*

Markers are used to identify placeholders which can later be replaced

$$ (two dollars)


Format marker

Marker for placeholder formats


$$%d Start date$$

Template Sticker

Here you can change the Template Marker, maybe there is a case where you want an other template identifier. In the copy process the Template Marker will be removed.

Per default the Template Marker will be “_Template”.

Template Page Title:

→ “_Template Meeting Notes”

New Page Title:

→ “Meeting Notes”

Use new Space Title as hidden landing page title

The Page Title of the Space’s Home / Landing page is hidden and shows the Space name instead.

If this option is checked, the hidden title of the new Space Landing Page will be the same as the Space Title.


Space Title Instruction

Optional instruction below the Space Title input in the Copy Space form.


“Enter the project name here.”

Space Key Instruction

Optional instruction below the Space Key input in the Copy Space form.


“Enter the project number here.”

Show EPS Logo

Shows the EPS Header (Logo and Description) in the Page Tree Creator Replacement form


Hide Form Options Section

Hide the options section found in the Replacement Forms.

Those include Copy attachments and Page Title Prefix.


Show Context Menu

Choose under what circumstances the Copy Page Tree field in Page Tools should be shown.


Show Context Menu (Create Space)

Choose under what circumstances the Copy Space field in Page Tools should be shown.


Placeholder Marker Information

There are some markers you should not use because they are part of the Confluence functions and can result in different behavior or can be annoying while typing the new placeholder.


Example how NOT to use custom marker

Function / Reason



Open Macro Search



Makes placeholder italic → placeholder



Makes placeholder italic → placeholder



Makes placeholder bold → placeholder



Makes placeholder bold → placeholder



: opens emoticon search



@ Mention Confluence Users



Makes a strikethrough → placeholder



Makes a code block → placeholder



Parsed as HTML

In addition to that, there is a set of characters, which are not supported in labels, and would therefore make it unable to use placeholders in labels.

Set of Characters


(:, ;, ,, ., , ?, &, [, ], (, ), #, ^, *, @, !, ' ' - spaces ).

throws GraphQL error: com.atlassian.confluence.api.service.exceptions.BadRequestException: Could not add labels to content with id ContentId{id=contentid}

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