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Release Notes

Because we can’t control the plugin versions in cloud, we reference the date when releases were made.

07.08.2024 - Improvement Release

Smaller Improvements

  • Added documentation links

24.07.2024 - Improvement Release

Smaller Improvements

  • Added Icons

  • Added Dark Mode Support

22.07.2024 - Feature Release

User Property custom fields

Added the ability to display the reporters user properties directly within the issues. For more details, see Show User Properties in Issues.

Admins can manage user properties

All user properties can now be managed not only by the respective user but also by a global administrator.

05.06.2024 — Initial Release

Define Properties at project level

Defining 30 properties at the project level.

Define Properties at user level

Defining 30 properties at the project level.

Four distinct property types:

  • 15 String properties
    Enable searching for an exact phrase only.

  • 5 Text properties
    Allow searching for specific words.

  • 5 Number properties
    ease range ordering and field searching.

  • 5 Date properties
    support date range searches and ordering.

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