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Known Issues

Page Property Report shows “Inline Extension” instead of the Dropdown


When a dropdown is used inside of a page property report macro, it shows “Inline Extension” instead of the Dropdown.


This is a known bug from Confluence. There is a public bug ticket with Atlassian that can be found here:

Dropdowns disappear when sorting a table


The Easy Dropdown Menu isn’t notified when a table is sorted and can not re-render. This is due to technical limitations in Confluence.


Edit the page with the table you want to sort and sort the table. After that publish the page and the table is sorted.

Bad Performance with large number of EDM Macros


Each macro is rendered in its own, isolated iframe. Outgoing requests are limited to six connections (by Atlassian). This leads to a nearly sequential loading experience. Therefore using EDM Macros in large quantities in combination with the Page Property Macro can lead to degraded performance.

Example and Solution


To reproduce this issue, create multiple pages with large quantities of Easy Dropdown Menu macros in a Page Property macro. Then add the same label to all pages, so we can find them later in the Page Property Report macro.

On another page, add the Page Property Report macro and choose the previously used label. When viewing the page with the Page Property Report macro, a long loading time can be experienced.


There is currently no real workaround for it. We are always testing new versions and recently implemented improved local cache management.

Global Predefined and Status Sets disappear


All Global Settings are saved in a Private Space where only the EDM has access to. If this Private Space or it’s Properties gets damaged, the Settings can get deleted.



In the Global EDM Configuration, under Migration, is the Set Restoration Button. When you click it, you receive a JSON file with all Sets and Options used in your instance, including Space Sets. To add the Sets to your instance again, import the downloaded JSON file. You can then delete all the Space Sets which have been added globally and adjust the set names.

Sorting Page Property Report Macro with EDM Macros


When sorting the Page Property Report Macro with different EDM macros, the EDM macros will disappear.



After a reload of the page the EDM macros will appear again and it will be shown correctly.

JavaScript errors detected

Please note, these errors can depend on your browser setup.

If this problem persists, please contact our support.