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Translating your first Confluence page

Before you start make sure you have your translation API setup.

Step 1: First open the Translate Page Widget.

Step 1 | Image

ECT Doc (2).png

Step 2: To create a new translation click +. A dialog will open.

Step 2 | Image

ECT Doc (1).png

Step 3: To configure the language of the document you want to translate, select a language from the menu and click Next. You can also make the Easy Translator for Confluence detect the language for you by clicking on the compass icon next to the drop-down menu.

Step 3 | Image

Screenshot 2024-05-30 at 13.57.15.png

Step 4: To finally create the translation select the desired translation language, target space and target page - this page will be the parent-page of your translations and can be located in any space wanted. Click Translate to finish

Step 4 | Image
Screenshot 2024-05-30 at 13.58.08.png

You will be redirected to the created translation.

Source page and translation comparison | Image
ECT Doc copy.png

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