PTC Template Configuration
Templates can have custom configurations. With the Page Tree Creator, many pages can be created at easily at once. Therefore it's important to preselect some important configurations.
Template configuration
The user needs to have page edit permission to edit the template configuration.
Configure the entire template
The pages of a template can be edited as every other confluence page.
The configuration of a template can be edited from the top page of the template
Select the template you want to configure
Open the popup dialog on the top right and configurate the template as you wish
Chose an icon, name and description for your template
The icon, name and description will help users chose the correct template.
Template icon: The default icon is the Page Tree Creator icon but can be changed to anything else
Template name: The template name appears in the Confluence create from template dialog. The template name and the top page title don't need to be the same.
Template description: The description will also appear in the Confluence create from template dialog to help the user chose the correct template. The description is optional.
Tell what pages to watch after the instantiation
The user can either watch all, none or only the main page of the newly created pages. This can be configured with the watch pages option.
Jump into edit mode
Chose if you want to be redirected to the edit mode after instantiating a template. When the checkbox is not checked, then the user will just be redirected to the main page of the template.
Select if the template should appear in the Confluence create from template dialog
If you don't want the template to be shown in the Confluence create from template dialog, just uncheck the checkbox show in create dialog.
This can be helpful if you only want a template to be accessible from PTC buttons.
Show a page selection when instantiating the template
Check this one if you want the user to select what pages to copy. Uncheck if all pages should be copied.
Tag Sorting
Change the order of the tags and it will be applied in the Replace Tags dialog.
This tab shows a list of all pages that are instantiated from the template.
Configure single pages of the template
It's possible to have some special configurations for each page. Just go to the desired page and jump into the edit mode of the page.
Make a page mandatory/optional to copy
The top page of a template will always be mandatory and cannot be optional to copy.
Go to the page you need to be mandatory/optional to copy and open the edit mode.
Open the PTC Page Settings
Go to the tab Page Settings
Set the checkbox Page is mandatory, to make sure the page is copied
When a subpage should always be copied with the parent page, then the checkbox should be selected.
Later the user won't be able to deselect the page in the page selection dialog when instantiating the template
Custom page title
There are some cases where the template title can be confusing, if for example many tags are used. The purpose of the Custom page title is to have a easier and faster understanding on what a template does when looking at a page title.
Check Custom page title
Fill in your customized Template Name
Instantiate your template
Overwrite the page restrictions
The page restrictions of a template can be overwritten. The Confluence Page Restriction system is used.
For example: This could be useful when the template itself should be editable by only one group but the instantiated pages should be editable by a different group of users.
Go to the page you want to set new page restrictions after instantiating and open the edit mode
Open the PTC Page Settings
Go to the tab Permissions
Set the checkbox to overwrite the current page restrictions. If the checkbox is unchecked, the restrictions belown won't be applied.
Chose users and groups to have view permission on the new page (Jim will be able to view the new page of the instantiated template)
Chose users and groups to have edit permission on the new page (all members of the project-management group will be able to edit the new page of the instantiated template)