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Confluence internal links

When inserting links to other Confluence pages, Atlassian uses a custom link representation behind the scenes instead of a regular URL. These types of links can also break just like any other links. This special link format is also mentioned in the Confluence Storage Format reference and looks like the following.

  <ri:page ri:space-key="KEY" ri:content-title="Page title" ri:version-at-save="1" />
  <ac:link-body>link text</ac:link-body>

The Easy Link Checker is capable of checking these types of links. The results are displayed in separate tables in the result view captioned with Broken Confluence links and Working Confluence links respectively.

Although Confluence uses the ac:link format described above to link to Confluence pages in most situations, regular URLs are also supported by Confluence. The Easy Link Checker also supports verification of such Confluence internal URLs. The following forms are currently supported:

  • /wiki/spaces/spacekey/pages/1234

  • /wiki/spaces/spacekey/pages/1234/pagetitle

  • /wiki/spaces/spacekey/blog/2000/01/01/1234/blogtitle

  • /wiki/spaces/spacekey/blog/2000/01/01/1234

  • /wiki/spaces/spacekey

  • /wiki/spaces/spacekey/overview

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